Young leaders

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

In the last two decades the Republic of Bulgaria has been experiencing a serious deficit of competent and well-prepared political leaders who could carry on the democratic tradition and governing experience of pre-1944 Bulgaria and be able to defend democracy and the country’s Euro-Atlantic choice. This lack is a result of the systematic persecution, destruction and elimination of Bulgaria’s old national elites by the communist regime until 1990. Nowadays, B19it’s very rarely that young leaders emerge at the helm of political parties and government institutions, who are not only well-prepared professionally, but also hold clear and uncompromizing Euro-Atlantic positions. This is a direct result of the incomplete and unsuccessful elimination of totalitarian behavioral and thought models, foiled by the successful infiltration of former State-Security operatives into the government, universities and media after 1990. Bulgaria is currently at a difficult and crucial point in its history, and finding, preparing and introducing young leaders to key managing positions in the education, politics and media is very important. In this connection, the Atlantic Council of Bulgaria (ACB) shall set the following priorities for this program:

Monitoring social processes in the country in order to identify young people who share the ACB’s vision. These could belong to any political or civil organizations, informal initiatives or business ventures. The Program will give them a chance to develop, establish and maintain contacts between each other, participate in common activities, improve their qualification in their field of competence or professional or scientific interests;

Actively encouraging the growth of young leaders through contests and providing opportunities for academic, professional and political careers;

Rendering support to ACB’s Youth Section in its work and its coordination with other members of ACB;

Working towards accession to the YATA network. Exchanging information and students and developing prospective young leaders through establishment of fruitful relations with all similar organizations that share the values of the Atlantic idea.


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