Atlantic council of Bulgaria
The Atlantic Council of Bulgaria is a non-government organization of citizens, united in their support for the Euro-Atlantic choice and orientation of Bulgaria.
The main part of ACBG's activities is conducted through programs that are in compliance with the ACB's goals.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Democracy and the Euro-Atlantic path of Bulgaria are in danger!
Civil society and democracy
Monday, 18 June 2018
Is Bulgaria ready for the NATO Summit in July?
National and international security
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
The Presidential Elections in Russia were not Democratic
Civil society and democracyWE WORK FOR:
National security;
Strengthening Bulgaria's role as a worthy partner and reliable ally in NATO and the EU;
Energy independence;
Strengthening Bulgaria's energy security and independence;
Well-informed society;
Blocking the political influence and propaganda aggression of foreign states against Bulgaria.
ACB organizes conferences, discussions, roundtables, press briefings and other public events.
Ускореното превъоръжаване на Българската армия – повече сигурност и доверие в НАТО и Общата европейска отбрана
Place: Дискусионният форум ще се проведе на 11.12.2018 г. (вторник) от 14.00 ч. до 17.00 ч. в залата на Представителството на Европейската комисия в България, София, ул. „Г.С. Раковски“ № 124